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Preparing for Launch

Well - I (Snoof) have fallen behind with the blog posts again. For good reason though! Chris and I have been working hard to get a product ready for Tindie - you may have already seen the Spoonbot board, but if not it’ll be out and on sale soon :)

In the meantime, I’m trying to get everything ready to [stage whisper] promote ourselves. It’s not something that comes naturally to makers, is it? For all the many brilliant makers we know, we don’t know many who also manage to self-promote very much. Do we all have anxiety, or…?

I’ve updated the link and the graphics for our Facebook and Instagram, deleted our twitter account, and my next job is to make some fresh business cards with updated information so people can actually get a hold of us.

These are things that, to be fair, should have been done a long time ago, or at least needed addressing before Makefest, but we’ve been busy soldering, making stamps and ordering stickers. And, in Chris’s case, working all the time on a bunch of different projects.

Next up is taking some decent photos, and then it’s just waiting for the postman :)