Preparing for Launch
2025-03-07 00:00:00 +0000Well - I (Snoof) have fallen behind with the blog posts again. For good reason though! Chris and I have been working hard to get a product ready for Tindie - you may have already seen the Spoonbot board, but if not it’ll be out and on sale soon :)
Making A Simple Character
2025-02-19 07:00:00 +0000Chris is working on a post about PCB creation, but Chris is also working on 700 other things. So while we wait for that, I thought I’d share a little shortcut I sometimes use to make quick illustrations. It’s only one of many ways I make pictures (I also draw and paint both analog and digital pictures, and sometimes mix the two) but maybe it’ll help someone who’s a bit stuck. As Michael Dales (sorry to link to his mastodon, but he does so many incredible things I couldn’t pick a website) pointed out, sharing is a radical act in a society where everything turns on marketability and monetisation.
Blogs and Other Horrors
2025-02-13 15:00:00 +0000Get a website, they said… Put a blog on it, they said… Keep updating your blog sometimes instead of just being silent all the time, they said (I’m looking at you, Adrian, and I’m making angry eyes).
Reflow Soldering Workshop
2025-02-05 00:00:00 +0000Wednesday the 29th of January, we held a little soldering workshop in DoES Liverpool. DoES is a shared workshop and coworking space run by and for the community, and some of what we could contribute was putting on this workshop in tandem with MCQN (with special thanks to Terry and Paul!).
Sewing Machine Naming Conventions
2025-02-01 15:00:00 +0000My (Snoof’s) birthday is long enough ago now that I don’t have to worry about surprise candles, so I’ll tell you what I’ve done about it!
Circuit Board Madness
2025-01-24 17:00:00 +0000Anyone who knows us, knows what happens when we learn something new. First we use it for everything for a little bit, and then we make it everybody else’s problem.
Being Organised
2025-01-24 16:13:13 +0000Being organised… It’s one of those things, isn’t it? Between the other work we do, hobbies, and various jobs aimed at keeping body and soul in roughly the same place, it can get really tricky. Luckily, 2025 is the year we’re going to push hard for STEAM engineers to move forward!
And Then There Was a Book
2023-04-09 14:31:00 +0000We have an activity coming on the 29th of April, in Liverpool Central Library, surrounding the coronation.
Lots to Do
2022-05-30 12:17:13 +0000Been a bit quiet, haven’t we? We’re working really hard to secure some funding. One of our issues is that we don’t own our own equipment, and borrowed equipment often needs to be used by the people who own it.
Spikey Virus Interlude
2022-03-16 12:17:13 +0000It’s taken us a little while to write up all the fun we had at Little Peacock. We were looking forward to getting started on more regular clubs straight away. Then we both got Covid so we’ve been making spikey virus instead, and being very careful not to share this particular science experiment.
2022-02-16 10:01:00 +0000On one hand, it feels like decades since we had to roll up the Sandbox operation. But on another, it always feels right in easy reach.
Welcome to STEAM Engineers
2022-01-25 12:17:13 +0000Welcome to the new STEAM Engineers website. We’re just setting things up and making sure all the bits work like they should. When we’re there we’ll use this bit to tell you all about what we’re planning and what we’ve done. For now just marvel in the glory of Snoof’s lovely logo design.