Blogs and Other Horrors
Get a website, they said… Put a blog on it, they said… Keep updating your blog sometimes instead of just being silent all the time, they said (I’m looking at you, Adrian, and I’m making angry eyes).
So I tried. Chris has a busier schedule than I do, so I took on the blog as one of my responsibilities, and I began the heartrending task of writing blog posts at more or less semi-regular intervals… And then a post went missing. The reflow workshop one. But WHY.
I’ve obviously fixed it now. I’m in bed, after a long day. A small cat is on my feet “sharing” the foot warmer (I’m getting away with still having feet, but I’m on thin ice), and I’m writing this.
Isn’t it weird and kind of unpleasant, how we have to constantly advertise and be advertised to? I understand ultimately that people can’t give us work if they don’t know we exist, if they don’t know we’re active, if they don’t know what we do… But I also feel like society today is a neverending barrage of advertising, and it sits poorly with me. It feels like we’re all of us just vessels waiting to be filled with the desire to buy things.
So… My solution is that we’re going to start using this website to put up some free resources too. For kids, adults, and people who haven’t chosen which to be yet, to make things and make their lives a little bit happier.
Watch this space, I guess, but not too closely. Keep an eye on what you’re doing, what you want, and how to get from the former to the latter!