Spikey Virus Interlude
- update
It’s taken us a little while to write up all the fun we had at Little Peacock. We were looking forward to getting started on more regular clubs straight away. Then we both got Covid so we’ve been making spikey virus instead, and being very careful not to share this particular science experiment.
The good news is we’re both on the mend, and tested negative so we’re ready to get going again. We’ll have the next clubs at Peacock starting on 24th more details We’re also going to be following up with other ideas that came up so apologies if you haven’t heard from us. We’re really keen to speak to homeschoolers and after school about what we might be able to do for you.
In case you missed it we had three sessions in half term, all making video games. With the younger ones we looked at Scratch and the older ones looked at Makecode Arcade. We were incredibly lucky to meet so many great young coders hope we’ll get to see you all again soon.
If you want to have a look at these tools we recommend the tutorials at Code Club great for Scratch and this Skillpath for Makecode Arcade
We also went to Liverpool Central library for the launch for the Year of Spoken Word. We took our talking robot Using Edublocks we wrote code to make the robot speak. It was great to meet some new faces and old friends. We know the library well from Code Club and Makefest and we’re looking forward to doing more with them very soon. If you’ve never been to a makefest before get the 2nd July in your diaries now, it’s a free event you really don’t want to miss.